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June 12, 2019
It must include a minimum of 3 references for approved sites. Cover sheet does not count as one page, bibliography will count towards total. Don’t write about American football, please. You can write about soccer World Cup, Olympic Games and so on. Outline & References “Perfect” Met or exceeded minimum requirements 30 met minimum requirements, not all quality references 20 did not meet minimum requirements, not all quality references 10 […]
June 12, 2019
The following website may be used for reference to complete this assignment. The website represents an electronic document titled “Standards Organizations,” written by William Stallings (2009), located at http://www.box.net/shared/9dtnzvwys8/1/15730219/164146343/1. Write a fully developed paper in which you: Select one of the working groups in the IETF or IEEE and briefly summarize what this group is working on. Justify the need of the IEEE 802 standard used in networking. Evaluate the […]
June 12, 2019
Those 2 concepts summarize each concept thoroughly, then apply these concept to a real world situation. Make sure it is in an essay format.An easier way to write this journal would be to start with: Introduction- introduce your two concepts and how you are going to apply them to a real world situation. Concept 1- Summarize thoroughly and cite the book. Apply concept 1 through critical thinking skills Concept 2- […]
June 12, 2019
Instructions: A PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 10 slides outlining the following: At a minimum include the following: Detailed description of the area researched Technology involved in the area Future trends in the area Example companies involved in the area Regulatory issues surrounding the area Global implications for the area References (minimum of 4) The topic is The Impact of E-Commerce on Society