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September 25, 2019
Gramsci: What are the key elements of politics for Gramsci? (see Prison Notebooks, pp. 144ff) How do they relate to the “relations of force”? (see Prison Notebooks pp. 175-85). – 4 double spaced pages, 12 point font. ¾ inch margins. -IF YOU CITE FROM THE COURSE READINGS DO IT LIKE THIS: Braudel (23) (Polanyi: 17) IF YOU CITE FROM ANOTHER OUTSIDE SOURCE YOU MUST CITE IN THE SAME WAY, E.G. […]
September 25, 2019
An introduction and brief overview of the policy relationship. What are the major issues facing each level of government? What are the reasons for initiating changes to the policy? What are the options to be considered (discuss several)? What are the pros and cons of each potential reform (costs v. benefits)? Which is the best option moving forward (pick one)? A summary and conclusion IMPORTANT NOTES 3 scholarly articles minimum […]
September 25, 2019
Political science/Government:Scenario analysis/argument 1st Amendment – Freedom of Religion The Scenario will be included. explain the religious violations & why the judge’s ruling in the scenario was correct or incorrect or not. explain why or tell me what the judge legally should have done. using both given video link, text pages Provide me a page number from the text or a time in the video where you found your answer. […]
September 25, 2019
Papers must be between 20-30 double spaced pages and can be on any topic related to American Foreign Policy. The papers must include (1) a brief literature review, (2) a clearly stated argument or hypothesis (derived from the readings, another source, or an original argument, (3) a description of how the argument/hypothesis will be evaluated empirically, and (4) an evaluation of the argument using evidence from at least one historical […]