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June 27, 2020

The addition of schools providing technology, will benefit low income students and aid in their success.

The purpose of this assignment is to perform a smoke test and explain the results of the smoke test through an executive summary. Create a PowerPoint presentation with 5-10 slides to present a smoke test. The hypothesis is: “The addition of schools providing technology, will benefit low income students and aid in their success.” The segment of your potential customers: STUDENTS The group needs to be significant in numbers in […]
June 27, 2020

Is the term corporate entrepreneurship an oxymoron?

Please respond to the following: Is the term corporate entrepreneurship an oxymoron? In other words, can corporations—especially large ones—be innovative? Support your answer with examples. Use the Internet to find an example of two corporate innovations—one brought about through autonomous strategic behavior and one developed through induced strategic behavior. Which innovation seems to hold the most promise for commercial success and why?
June 27, 2020

Planned change discussion

The discussions each week are designed to (a) reinforce the research topics that you are reading about, (b) challenge you to explore the topics further, and (c) test your understanding of the concepts and their application within business research. Before beginning work on this week’s discussion post, review the following resources: Doing Discussion Questions Right Expanded Grading Rubric From the bullet point list below, select one topic for which you […]
June 27, 2020

Economic and financial factors can affect the value of a country’s currency in both the short-term and the long-term.

Explain how the following factors affect a country’s currency both in the short term and long term: Macroeconomic Sociopolitical Fundamental Speculative
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