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July 13, 2019
I.Write your introduction. 1.Write your introduction. Be sure to incorporate your background information and to conclude with your research question. 2.Based on your primary and secondary source research, turn your research question into a thesis statement that addresses your topic and how it has been influenced by its historical context. II.Use primary and secondary sources that address the historical context of your topics to respond to the following critical […]
July 13, 2019
1. Write an initial post (maximum 100 words) that makes a concise observation or point on the basis of one or more of the readings. question: In what ways did religion become a potent idiom for debating politics in the late twentieth century? Was a religion merely a way to speak about material concerns (economic and social concerns) or does it have a political content of its own? readings : […]
July 13, 2019
Paper should follow MLA guidelines for style and formatting. Times new roman font, size 12 including page numbers. An argumentative thesis is required use vocabulary of literature support examples from specific examples in the text Integrate effectively and coherently appropriate, representative sources. Paper will be evaluated in this way: -argument/controlling idea (5) -support /development(5) -organization(5) -language style(5) -mechanics/grammar(5)
July 13, 2019
In a 1500-word paper, catalyze and analyze information from Strong Inside in context with other information to answer the following question: Does the story of Perry Wallace demonstrate how Tennessee and Tennesseans have changed overtime? Or, does the story of Wallace demonstrate how Tennessee and Tennesseans have failed to change? In short, what does his story tell us about the history and culture of Tennessee? Your paper should also include […]