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October 1, 2019
Step 1: Choose Your Case Choose a case that has either been decided or will be decided this term: You can go to OYEZ.ORG 2014 cases for a list of current cases. If you decide to research some of the cases that have gotten a lot of press recently, you are welcome to choose one of these to research: City of Los Angeles v. Patel (Links to an external site.) […]
October 1, 2019
Looking at so-called Obama care legislation and applying philosopher Rawls , theory of justice as fairness to Obama care. at the end using philosopher, Nozick to critically argue
October 1, 2019
Summarise and evaluate the argument in the following online article: ‘Is a Science of Politics Possible?’ – James Skillen Your evaluation should draw on at least four chapters from the text book “Theory and Methods in Political Science”, third edition, edited by Marsh and Stoker. Article available at: http://www.metanexus.net/essay/science-politics-possible This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes: • Understand debates around the question of the possibility of political “science” […]
October 1, 2019
Each student shall submit a 500- 600 word essay that addresses the following fundamental question before former and future United States Supreme Courts: Is there a federal right to privacy according to the original intentions of the Founding Fathers? To answer this question, each student should first watch the video about Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. If you would like to look at a transcript of this hearing, check out […]