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June 6, 2019

Amore pacific Website Analysis

The following link takes you to a global e-commerce website of “Amore Pacific.” The company is a Korea-based cosmetic retailer, which recently started to expand its global presence both online and offline: http://global.amorepacificmall.com/en/main.do The global version of the website was launched very recently in late 2017, and it may still have room for improvement. Explore the website and provide your critical assessment on the following design factors: 1) Website design […]
June 6, 2019

A Shopping Trip to Remember

Take a trip back to the last time you went shopping. Think about all of the aspects of your shopping trip including time of day, week and month. Think about where you went shopping and why you were out shopping on this particular trip. Briefly describe your shopping trip and then reflect on how temporal situational influences play a role in your shopping experience and with your behavior as a […]
June 6, 2019

Marketing Proposal for the Mature Healthcare Consumer

The CEO of your firm has just announced that the organization is considering two diverse strategies to increase business: marketing healthcare services to the mature healthcare consumer, or marketing healthcare services to international consumers. Read the following two articles: Fell, D. (2002). Taking the U.S. health services overseas. Marketing Health Services, 22(2), 21-23. Click here to read the article. Marsh, D. (2010). Marketing to the mature marketplace. Marketing Health Services, […]
June 6, 2019

Special event management and current trends article review

Prepare a 2-3 page written review of an industry publication or journal article dealing with some aspect of special event management and current trends. (5%) Create a PowerPoint presentation to accompany the report that you will present to the class (5 minute minimum – 10 minute maximum) about the trend (5%)
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