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September 9, 2019

European-american who made a significant contribution witch positively influenced the business world

Have project in chronological order like a biography and include all recent achievements. Must have 2 sources with cited work.
September 9, 2019

Environmental policy for a company

Overview: Many global organizations are ISO certified. Specifically, ISO 14001 addresses the elements of responsible operation toward the environment. The framework indicates that an organization should maintain a policy addressing the following elements: Top management shall define its organization’s environmental policy, and ensure it is appropriate to the environmental impact of its activities, products and services. Commitment to continuous improvement, prevention of pollution and compliance with legislation and regulations shall […]
September 9, 2019

Define the meaning of disruptive innovation

Disruptive innovation has in recent years become one of the most important topic in the field of business strategies, because newly established companies, for example, play a significant role in the creation of investment, employment, output, and innovations. They also contribute the nation’s economic progress and technological advancement. Let’s assume you are a venture capitalist who is interested in funding newly developed disruptive innovation business ventures. 1. Define the meaning […]
September 9, 2019

Discuss the influence of any Federal government or state government programs, such as tax credits or tax deductions for energy-saving/efficiency purchases, on your decision to make your last big purchase

Assignment Steps Resources: Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web offering support for Office products. Scenario: Consider your last big purchase such as a car, appliances, home repairs, home purchase, computer equipment, college tuition, or another “big-ticket” item, which are often purchased using loans/financing (by borrowing money). Also consider your decision-making process that led […]
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