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August 8, 2019

Examine the high-risk nutritional behaviors associated with different cultures.

Identify the historical perspectives, belief systems, and other factors associated with these high-risk nutritional behaviors for each culture. Write a 1,500-3,000 word paper on your findings in which you accomplish the following: Summarize the high risk-nutritional behaviors practiced among 10 different cultures. Discuss the historical perspectives and belief systems of these cultures that influence the high-risk nutritional behaviors. Explore additional influencing factors on high-risk behaviors for each culture. These may […]
August 8, 2019

Compare and contrast two change theories, and determine which theory makes the most sense for implementing your specific EBP project.

Why? Has your mentor used either theory, and to what result?
August 8, 2019

Why is understanding the health care system at the local level important to consider when planning an EBP implementation?

Conduct research and solicit anecdotal evidence from your course mentor that you will take into consideration for your own change project.
August 8, 2019

Report on new technologies available to rural health care providers for post-hospitalization follow-up care and monitoring

Preparation: Prepare a 750–1000 words (3–4 pages) report on new technologies available to rural health care providers for post-hospitalization follow-up care and monitoring. In your report, summarize the issues, identify and explain technologies, and recommend evidence-based strategies to improve outcomes. Include a minimum of 3 references. (These must be recent, from within the past five years.) Directions: Assume you work in a rural health care center. The facility just received […]
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