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September 25, 2019

Stephanie Paterson, “Deinstitutionalizing Pregnancy and Birth

Produce a 5-7 page paper containing the following elements: (i) A brief introduction; (ii) A brief summary of the article’s main argument or arguments; (iii) A discussion of how the article relates to the themes and topics covered in the course; and (iv) A conclusion. The discussion (section iii) should pay particular attention to the institutions, processes and representational vehicles (such as social movements, parties or interest groups) through which […]
September 25, 2019

Compare Media and Social Movements in Lebanon and South Africa

Compare Media and Social Movements in Lebanon and South Africa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJSehRlU34w&vl=en (The success of nonviolent civil resistance Ted Talk by Erica Chenoweth (2013) will help with writing this paper)
September 25, 2019

Review the effects of replacing the Electoral College with a direct popular election of the President

Double-spaced with standard margins and 12-point font. *just use the sources which I put it. *Due to the mismatch between the electoral and popular votes in the 2000 and 2016 elections, more calls have been made to abolish the Electoral College. In your essay, review the effects of replacing the Electoral College with a direct popular election the President in the following three areas. First, what would be the impact […]
September 25, 2019

Are we in the best, the worst of times or a combination of both?

Paper must have a multitude of resources, facts, examples and references to support and defend whether or not they believe we are 1) Currently in the Best of Political times, 2) In the Worst of Political Times or 3) A combination of both. Paper must identify and explain different agents of political socialization. Differentiate between states, nations, nation-states or multi-national states (where applicable). Apply differing ideologies (from case studies) to […]
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