Explore the notion of responsibility in two texts.

The two text to be discussed are Haing Ngor, Survival in the Killing Fields AND Primo Levi, “The Drowned and the Saved” from If This Is Man • An essay of 3500 words • To provide in-depth and comparative engagement, displaying abilities in critical and textual analysis. • This will include evaluating the ethical and theoretical debates alongside the main formal, stylistic, and thematic features of literature involved in bearing witness. • Demonstration of detailed knowledge of the texts and issues discussed in the texts and of relevant ethical and theoretical debates; • Display of appropriate analytical and interpretative strategies to evaluate the formal aspects and thematic content of both literary and theoretical material; • Ability to describe and compare narratives representations of different forms of historical and personal traumas; • Command of an adequate and relevant critical language; • Presence of informed and original readings of the texts discussed. • Include critics in the essay. • MHRA referencing system to be used when referencing/quoting. • UK grammar and spelling to be used.