Pick a country and contrast it with the united States

Pick a country and contrast it with the United States. Include at least 5 of the following areas: dating marriage rituals, how religion, race, and social class a affect family life; the effects of any of technology on family life; causes of divorce; and relationships of parents and children The paper should be at least four pages double-spaced Plus work cited. ASA FORMAT All text including, reference must be double spaced and in a 12 point, standard font such a Times New Roman. Attach a separate title page including title of paper names and Institution (includes names au addresses of authors, acknowledgements , credits and grants) Citations in text: If authors name is in the text, follow the publication year in parentheses example: Mark Philip (1988) Studied…. If the author’s name is not in the text, enclose the last name and year in parentheses: example: when the study was completed…(Jones 1992)