Is Goldman correct in her assertion that ″individualism″ was a myth in the United States in light of the economic/industrial revolution of her day and all that it brought with it?

Read Emma Goldman′s ″Minorities vs. Majorities″ (see attached) and Chapters 16 – 18 of the text book then address the following: Is Goldman correct in her assertion that ″individualism″ was a myth in the United States in light of the economic/industrial revolution of her day and all that it brought with it? Is Goldman correct in claiming that an unrestrained majority is a danger to society and to the rights of everybody within society? How applicable are Goldman′s words and conclusions to the United States today? Be sure to use specific evidence from the readings to support your responses. ( I have uploaded the essay, and i have a copy of the book on my PC . Let me know the best way to get that to you. Also no citation page is needed. Just quotes and citations within the paper)