How can the European Union develop a strong common asylum policy?

Requirements: Length: 15-20 pages, excluding bibliography, double spaced, building on the previous research proposal. The structure of the research paper might vary depending on the chosen topic, cases, research question, etc, but at the bare minimum it has to include (1) a general introduction to the research and an explanation of why it is relevant; (2) a clearly stated research question, which can be comparative or descriptive; (3) a brief literature review, that is, a section where you explain what other authors or sources have said about the issue, topic or problem you are researching; (4) an argumentation or description of the issue, based on relevant literature (this is the main part of the paper); (5) a conclusion, where you offer a critical view of the issue, measure, decision… ie. suggesting alternatives to the approach taken by the actors or institutions you studied, or highlighting the shortcomings, flaws or unintended consequences of a given policy.