Based on the exchange between Hoffman and Sageman, which author do you find more convincing regarding the type of organizational threat posed Al-Qaeda?

2) Do terrorists resort to violence as a willful choice, selected from a range of perceived alternatives or that individuals are drawn to terrorist causes for other reasons that are not necessarily political. Explain with regards to the variety of ideas expressed in Segment 6,7,8. 3) Is there a difference between Male and Female Suicide Bombers in terms of motivations and tactics? Also, is religion the critical element in the making of a suicide bomber? Explain. 4) Explain how “Paradise Now” specifically illustrates the individual and organizational themes from the readings, lectures, and discussions on suicide terrorism. 5) Evaluate the following statement: “Since the terror is aimed at the media and not at the victim, success is defined in terms of media coverage. And there is no way in the West that you could not have media coverage because you’re dealing in a free society.” In your response be sure to evaluate the statement attributed to Margaret Thatcher that “publicity is the oxygen of terrorism.” 6) What are the various ways in which terrorists finance their operations? Be sure to explain the relationship between terrorism and crime.