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Analysis Felman’s ‘turning of the screw of the interpretation

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Analysis Felman’s ‘turning of the screw of the interpretation’ form p96-p112 (chapterI. An uncanny reading effect and chapter II. What is a freudian Reading). Summary the content in detail with some main points and briefly explain after it. (An introduction of what these 2 chapters are saying).and make briefly power point . * this paper need to make some quote from the context and briefly explain the meaning https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxwcm9zZWRyYW1hcG9ldHJ5fGd4OjU2ZTM0NjIwMmMwMWFiZjl

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