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Standardized testing and the consequences for American education

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Sociology 5263: Sociology of Education Writing Assignment What: The semester writing assignment in Sociology 5263 is a 10 to 15 page paper on a subject of your choosing written from the standpoint of the sociology of education. In your paper discuss how your subject is connected to ideas and topics discussed in the course. Education includes formal instruction through institutions, but can also include popular culture as a medium of education. Topics for the paper can include but are not limited to:  Standardized testing and the consequences for American education  Discipline in American schools  Individual rights versus group rights in American education  The causes and consequences of treating education as a business  The school environment as a work environment/ labor issues related to work in a school environment (teacher burnout, teacher safety, worker overload)  Movies as a medium of education/miseducation (you may choose a certain subject on how movies miseducate Americans on specific subjects, such as on  Race or gender inequities in a specific area of education  First generation college students and institutional discrimination against them When: The writing assignment is due on April 30, 2019. How: The paper should be well-written with attention to detail (flows easily between points and careful attention is paid to proper grammar and sentence structure). Turn in your paper in a stapled, printed out paper version. 1. The essay should be typed, at least 10 pages in length minimum (15 pages maximum), 12pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, 1″ margins 2. I encourage you to use information from the course textbooks, class lectures, news articles, and other sources. 3. Use a standard and widely accepted citation system of your choice for your paper (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) Please see me if you have any questions about the final paper or need assistance in formulating an argument/organizing your thoughts. Where: Turn in the paper before 11:59PM on April 30, 2019 to Dr. Lorenzo. Grading Rubric: 10% Organization, Grammar, Style, and Format (including length) 45% Student’s use of information from the course related to the question being answered 45% Student’s insight, opinions, or interpretation of the question grounded in facts

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